

Het pittoreske grachtengordel van Amsterdam, doorkruist door bruggen, is het best te zien per fiets of per boot. Stap in of uit, zoals je de lokale bevolking zult zien, om de smalle straatjes tussen historische puntgevelhuizen te verkennen. Het doolhof van waterwegen verbindt mooie bloemenmarkten, restaurants aan de rivier en ouderwetse kroegen, of bruine cafés, die geweldige pitstops vormen tussen de vele musea en kunstgalerijen.

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Museumplein: Art, All in One Place

Museum Square is Amsterdam's art hub and a beautiful urban park to boot. The National Museum is the highlight, a striking building that feeds pedestrians and cyclists onto the green square through iconic underpass tunnels. Inside, visitors marvel at Rembrandts and Vermeers. Nearby, the Van Gogh and Stedelijk Museums hold the city's modern and contemporary masterpieces.

Anne Frank Huis: Moving to the Core

Anne Frank's wartime diary has been read around the world, and today visitors are welcomed into the home of the book's setting. The secret annex where the Frank family hid from Nazi persecution during World War Two is a commemorative and educational museum, restricted yet moving. The reality of those terrifying years becomes unavoidable with a walk through this cramped space, bringing the diary to life.

De Dam: The Birth of the City

Dam Square is the heart of Amsterdam's historical center. Built atop the original "dam" after which the capital takes its name, this city square is the most well known in the country. The 17th-century Royal Palace towers over jostling pedestrians, and the National World War Two Memorial stands at its center. All of this is surrounded by unique vendors, Dutch cafés, and street performers.

Vondel Park: Green Space Galore

Amsterdam's crowning green space stretches for 120 acres through the south of the city. Endless opportunities abound for relaxation, musical performances, cycling and eating - all favorite Dutch pastimes. World class gardens and beautiful water elements divide the urban space with maximum efficiency, and when the sun shines everyone flocks to their favorite corner of Vondel Park.

Westerkerk: Relic of the Golden Age

On the doorstep of Amsterdam's charming Jordaan neighborhood towers the incomparable Westerkerk, the largest church in the city. The 17th-century clock tower is painted in an iconic red and blue, framed in all directions by quaint cobbled streets and canals. The interior is just as grand as the outside and houses the grave of Rembrandt, the Netherlands' greatest artistic master.