Gur Emir Mausoleum

Gur Emir Mausoleum

From € 34
1 Hour Duration (approx.) 09:00 Start Time EN Language Daily Frequency


As a conqueror there are few that are Tamerlane’s equal, both in territory and legacy left. Today one can visit his tomb in the beautifully reconstructed Gur-Emir Mausoleum (1404-1405, 15-17 centuries) and reflect on his life while looking at the largest piece of jade (greenstone) in the world


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    One of the most significant architectural ensembles of medieval East – the Gur Emir was built in the southwestern part of Samarkand at the beginning of the XV century. This majestic complex consisted of a khanaka, the madrasah of Muhammad Sultan - grandson of Amir Timur, and, later, tombs of Amir Timur himself and his descendants.

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    The madrasah

    The madrasah a small building with a typical yard composition was meant to teach the children Samarkand nobility. Opposite to the madrasah there located a khanaka with a central hall and cells - hudjras. The both buildings were erected by Mukhammad Sultan’s order to be become a center of Islamic education. But Muhammad sudden death in 1403 led to a change in an intended use of the complex

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    Gur Amir Timur

    After the death of Muhammad Sultan, Amir Timur was inconsolable: he ordered to put temporarily the remains of his beloved grandson in a madrasah’s corner room – darskhana, and immediately started the construction of the mausoleum which closed the ensemble from the south. The complex courtyard was decorated with a single decorative wall with four minarets located at its corners, while from the north it was decorated with a magnificent entrance portal containing a name of the architecture – Muhammad ibn Mahmud Isfahani

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    Today, the burial places in Gur Emir Mausoleum are marked with gravestones. The Timur’s gravestone, made of a single piece of jade, is located in the center of the tomb. The burials themselves are located below, in the mausoleum basement. The graves are located just in the same way as the gravestones in the hall upstairs. The Timurid tombs were opened only once in 1941, this event generated a famous legend

Price Per Person

1 Person(s) Up to 1 Person(s) € 75
2 Person(s) Up to 3 Person(s) € 38
4 Person(s) Up to 6 Person(s) € 34
The Price Includes
  • The Transportation by a air-conditioned vehicle
  • A Local expert guide
  • The Entrance fees
  • All taxes and services charge
The Price does not Include
  • Extras and Personal expenses
  • Visa charges.
  • Meals
  • Beverage
  • Tipping
Children Policy
  • Child up to 2 years old totally free of charge
  • Child between 2 and 5.99 years old pay 50% of adult rate
  • Child between 6 and 11.99 years old pay 75% of adult rate
  • Child 12+ years old is considered as adult person and pay same rate
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