Booking Conditions

Booking Conditions

A- Geneal Conditions of Sales

The general conditions are subject to the conditions of the Commercial law of Egypt

B- Specific Conditions of Sales


Geo Tours, Geotours and/or  (“us”, “we”, “our”, "Geo Tours" or “organiser” as the context requires) provides online travel services including flights, hotels, sightseeing, etc… and other travel related services (the “Services”) to travellers ( “Consumer”, “Customer”, "Client", “traveller”, etc… ) throughout the world via “suppliers”, “providers”, “third party”, etc….  using the websites, apps and other electronic and manual platforms (the “Platforms”).


Our products (programs, excursions, packages, transfers, accommodation, etc…) mention what is included in the prices and what is not.
In general, the costs of vaccines, visas, Beverages (drinks), tips, personal expenses, museum and monument admissions, excursions and optional are not included in our prices unless otherwise stated as well as all activities during free times/ days. Children less than 12 years old vary often benefit from a reduction on the prices. The prices indicated on our price table have no contractual value and are confirmed at the time of booking. They are shown in Euro but you still can pay with some other currencies such as: english pound, swiss franck, usd dollars and japaneese yen, the prices are established at the start of the season on an exchange rate of 1 euro = 0.90 usd. We reserve the right to revise our sales prices in the event of currency fluctuations, variation in transport costs (in particular in the event a  fuel fluctuation) or an increase in any other component of the prices. This possible revision applies to all customers already registered or on the way to register. For passengers already registered, however, we undertake not to revise our prices upwards, within 30 days of departure. In the event of an increase of more than 15%, the possibility is given to customers already registered to cancel their trip without charge.


2.1 Duration of Travel
The package price of our trips, Packages and accommodation are fixed according to their duration and not the determined number of whole days. Are included in the duration the day of Start, the day of the End including the night transport. Unless otherwise stated, it should be considered that the first and last day of your trip will be devoted to transport and generally will not include any excursion.

2.2 Travelling with Children
If you are traveling with young children, it is important to note that child seats are not provided for transfers and the legislation varies from country to country.  If you specifically require a car seat, we advise you to either take your own with you, or write/call Sales team, and we will do our utmost to try and arrange this for you - there may well be an additional charge for this.
It is important to know that a Child should travel with his(her) own passport and not to be mentioned in the parent's passport.


The customer acknowledges having read the description of the product chosen, the general and specific conditions of sale and all the information and reservations contained in our ONLINE brochure and accepts them in their entirety.
The booking for a product (trip, Package or accommodation, etc…)  implies the payment as a deposit by the customer of 25% of the total amount. Payment of the balance must be made at the latest 60 days before the start date without reminder from us. No acknowledgment of receipt of the balance will be sent. The customer who has not paid the balance by the agreed date is considered to have canceled his product (trip, Package or accomodation, etc….)  and incurs, therefore, the cancellation costs of which he was informed at the time of booking. In case of booking by mail, it is desirable to use our forms. In case of booking on another form or free paper, the customer acknowledges having read the general and specific conditions of sale and accepts them. No booking by mail is accepted without payment of the deposit. A fortnight after receipt of a booking, a confirmation-invoice will be sent to the customer specifying the dates, the Start and End points, the code of the trip, Package or stay chosen in accordance with the description of the brochure, the price total, the deposit paid and the balance remaining to be paid. Travel files including the latest information, vouchers and the travel diaries, will be send to customers about a week before the Start date. In the event of late booking (less than 15 days before the Start of the Trip), the client may be asked to participate in the telecommunication costs. A single booked customer wishing to share a double room with another traveller agrees to pay the individual room supplement if the organizer could not find a person to share the room. During a tour, it may happen that at one stage no single room is available. The additional charge is then refunded on return.


4.1 By the customer :
• Before Start Date: any modification (transfer of dates) must be sent by Email:
Up to 61 days from the initial Start Date, it will be invoiced at 60 €uros per person with a maximum of 120 €uros per file except when it is a complementary service on the same destination.

Less than 60 days before the initial Start Date, a modification is considered as a cancellation followed by a new Booking:

• During a trip, excursion, Package or accommodation: any modification requested by the customer at his place of stay (subject to local possibilities) can only give rise to a refund on his return with the written agreement of local representatives and under deduction of cancellation costs possibly claimed by the suppliers concerned. Any trip interrupted or shortened by the customer does not give rise to any refund. If a customer wishes to change the date of his return, for certain flights, the initial return ticket cannot in any case be refunded and the postponement to another date or another flight implies the payment on the spot of the new ticket at the normal rate.

4.2 By the organizer
4.2.1 Flight Modifications :
• Schedules: flight or a train schedules as well as the types of aircraft are given as primary   information only and may be subject to change(s). They are never a contractual element of the transport ticket and cannot engage the responsibility of the organizer. The start and end dates are subject to change if the conditions of transport and pricing require it. The customer will be immediately informed. Delays in start or possible return dates cannot result in any compensation whatsoever, in particular due to the duration of the program initially planned. The organizer is responsible for the smooth running of the product (trip, excursion, Package, accommodation, etc...) without, however, being held responsible for fortuitous events, causes of force majeure or the acts of third parties. However, even in these latter cases, the organizer will endeavor to seek solutions capable of overcoming the difficulties encountered.

4.2.2 Product's (Excursion, Package, etc...) Modifications :
• Occasionally a Supplier may make a change to a Product after your purchase, including but not limited to the date, price, inclusions, coverage, age requirements, and/or any other Product features and/or requirements. As a result, we (acting on the Supplier’s behalf), reserves the right to cancel, change or substitute any Product that you have purchased, at any time, for any reason. If the change proposed by the Supplier is material (for example, a change in dates and/or a significant change to the itinerary), and you are dissatisfied with the alternative that is offered, you will be entitled to a full refund of the original purchase price.You agree that we and the applicable Supplier shall have no liability for such modifications, cancellations or refunds
In the event that a trip or Package is maintained with a number of participants lower or higher than the minimum provided, no claim for compensation may be taken into consideration.


5.1 By the Customer :
5.1.1 Packages and Cruises
Cancellation by the customer entails the payment of variable costs depending on the date on which it occurs:
• from the day of booking up to 60 days before Start Date: 60 € uros per person as administrative fees with a maximum of 120 €uros per file.
• between 60 days and 31 days before Start Date: 15% of the amount of the trip, stay or Package will be retained.
• between 30 days and 21 days before Start Date: 25% of the amount of the trip, stay or Package will be retained.
• between 20 days and 8 days before Start Date: 50% of the amount of the trip, stay or Package will be retained.
• between 7 days and 2 days before Start Date: 75% of the amount of the trip, stay or Package will be retained.
• less than 2 days before Start Date: 90% of the amount of the trip, stay or Package will be retained.
• No show at the start Time/Date: 100% of the amount of the trip, stay or Package will be retained.

In the event of cancellation on a charter flight, 100% of the ticket price will be retained in all cases.

All our products (trips, excursions, Package and accommodation)  does not include any traveller insurance,

The price of a product (trip, excursion, Package or accommodation) cannot in any case be reimbursed in the case of when the client make “No Show” at the times and places mentioned in the documents or if, as a result of the non-presentation of the documents necessary for the completion of the trip ( passport, visa, vaccination certificate, etc...), he is unable to start on the date indicated.

5.1.2 Sightseeing and Shore Excursions (Land arrangements)
• from the day of booking up to 24 hours before Start Date: No Charge or fees will be charged
• less than "24 hours" before the start Date or "No Show" at the Date/Time of the trip: 100% of the amount of the trip, will be retained.

5.1.3 Excursions and Shore Excursions (Flight and/or train arrangements)
In the event of cancellation of an excursion includes a flight or a train, 100% of the ticket price will be retained in all cases.

5.2 By the organizer
5.2.1 Minimum number of participants
Most of the products (trips, excursions, packages or accommodation) are based on a minimum of participants.
In the event that a group does not reach the required number of people,
The organizer reserves the right to cancel the trip or the Package by notifying customers before the Start Date.
The customers will then be reimbursed in full for the sums already paid without this cancellation giving rise to a request for any compensation of damage suffered.
The organizer will try as far as possible to offer customers a replacement product (trip, excursion, Package or accommodation) Customers will not be able to claim any compensation

5.2.2 Imposed by circumstances
If the cancellation is imposed by circumstances of force majeure or for reasons relating to the security of travelers:

5.3 Force majeure
The Organizer will not be liable or pay any compensation if its contractual obligations to customer are affected by ‘un-avoidable and extraordinary circumstances’ meaning any event beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken, this is called “force majeure” , examples of the force majeure:

- War, hijacking, riots, commotion civil, or rebellion, interference of authorities or  officials, sanctions, requisition, seizure by legal judgments, quarantine, epidemic, fires, explosion, tempt, accidents, failure on a hotel, motel, boat or its machines as well as its equipment’s; etc…
- Labor disputes, strikes or lockouts, actual or threatened, employees or agents or of any other person;  etc…
- Lack of assurance to the satisfaction of organizer of suitable conditions like: Weather; earthquakes, volcanoes, navigation fuel; etc…
- Any act, neglect, failure or omission of any sub-contractor or person on whom the Organizer relies to perform any of the obligations under this Agreement; etc…
- The refusal or untimely granting or withdrawal of authorization or permits required for any permit; etc…

It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that he is in good standing with the legal, police, customs and health formalities for his entry to the country for the trip, excursion, Package or accommodation. Some countries require that the validity of the passport be more than 6 months after the return date, to have a return or continuation ticket and sufficient funds. As we cannot indicate the health regulations for each country,  the traveller should ensure the fulfillment of the formalities, legal and health conditions, the traveller/customer  will carry the resulting costs on his sole responsibility. Traveller/Customers must obtain the visa by his own and at his cost/expense before arrival.

7.1 Airlines liability
The liability of airlines as well as those of their representatives, agents or employees is limited in the event of damage, complaints or claims of any kind to the air transport of passengers and their luggage exclusively as specified in their conditions of transport.

7.1.1 Air Ticket | Title of Transport
The customer is responsible for his ticket (Title of transport) and therefore we decline any responsibility if any damage or lose.

7.1.2 Reserved Places
We remind passengers that the places reserved for our passengers are automatically in economy class.

7.1.3 Time Table | Airport and Aircraft Type
The timetables of all flights as well as the types of aircraft are given as primary information only and may be subject to modifications. They are never a contractual element of the transport ticket and cannot engage neither the responsibility of the airline companies, nor ours. In all cases, the flight times will be confirmed on site by our representatives. Likewise, the name of the airport is also given as an indication and may be subject to possible modifications, without these being able to give rise to compensation.

7.1.4 Flight’s Delay
Any air delays may not be compensated in any way whatsoever, in particular due to the modification of the duration of the program initially planned. We reserve the right to substitute in extremis, following filling problems, security, meteorology and other cases of force majeure, a charter flight by a regular flight or the opposite, to the same country, without this being considered as a breach of contract resulting in compensation.

7.1.5 Routing
The carrier and / or the organizer reserve the right to route/re-route passengers from point "A" (place of Start) to point "B" (destination / place of arrival) via one or two other points "C" and / or "D" (intermediate place (s)).

7.1.6 Luggage and Allowance
The baggage allowance is 20 kg per participant for regular economy class flights, 15 kg for charter flights and vary in the low cost flights from airline to another. Any excess baggage will be subject to an extra payment on site by the passenger according to the scale in force.

It is prohibited to carry dangerous objects and products on board such as controlled substances, firearms, explosives, oxygen, compressed air or flammable products, etc.

Geo Tours is not responsible for loss, theft and / or damage to the Customer's personal items and / or luggage (including the periods of embarkation and disembarkation).
Geo Tours advises the travellers:
- To have additional baggage insurance,
- To have a report drawn up what will be requested by the insurance company in the event of damage or loss.

Geo Tours cannot be held liable for items left on board after final disembarkation.
It is up to the Traveler to check that he does not forget anything in airplane.
Geo Tours declines all responsibility for money, documents, jewelry and other valuables kept elsewhere than in the safes provided by the hotels and cruise ships for this purpose.

7.1.7 Smoking on Board
More and more flights are non-smoking and the organizer cannot be held responsible if a smoking customer travels on an exclusively non-smoking flight or cannot obtain a seat in the area reserved for smokers. The allocation of smoking or non-smoking seats cannot be guaranteed.

7.2 Flight's Cancellation
7.2.1 Cancellation by the customer
Any cancellation by customer will result a cancellation fees, it is variable from airline to another airline, the cancellation conditions for each airline will be available upon request while reserving your flight.

7.2.2 Cancellation by the customer following a modification by the airline  
Any cancellation by customers, following a modification(s) of the flight plan will result in normal cancellation fees.

7.3 Passengers 

7.3.1 Infants (Babies)
Infants (Babies) are not entitled to any deductible, the age of Infants from 1+ day old and under 2 years old

7.3.2 Pregnant women
Airlines may refuse boarding to a pregnant woman. Geo Tours cannot be held responsible for this decision. The Customer must inform Geo Tours in writing of the presence of a pregnant woman at least one week before departure so that Geo Tours can ensure that it is possible to embark. A medical certificate of good health and without contraindication to travel may also be required by some airlines. It must be established by a doctor at most 15 days before the date of travel, regardless of the date of the onset of pregnancy. This certificate must specify in which month the pregnancy is located at the time of travel and mention the absence of pathological condition.

7.3.3 Minors
Minors aged from 5+ and under 12 years old cannot travel alone. However, some airlines provide special assistance and an escort service for passengers aged 12 and 17 years old.

This service must be requested by the Customer before confirming the reservation. Sometimes this service is subject to additional charges, so we advise you to check with the airline before confirming the reservation. Likewise, it must be taken into account that a child under the age of 18 cannot be responsible for another minor.

Un-accompanied minor children must present themselves for boarding with original and valid identity documents (passport , national identity card and/or other documents according to the destination requirements ); these documents must be presented systematically, in particular in the case of stopovers and for all journeys. A form made available to the airline at the boarding counter must be completed. Parents, teachers or any person vested with parental authority and duly authorized must present identity documents in the process of (national identity card or passport).

According to the airline, minors can travel un-accompanied as long as the airline offers this service. Each airline has its own policy in this area and impose age limits or even prohibit the transport of unaccompanied minors. It is strongly advised to check the conditions of the airline before booking.

Internet reservations for unaccompanied minors are not possible; these reservations must be made through our call center. We remind you that, as a general rule, low cost airlines do not accept unaccompanied minors.

Please note: Some airlines have adopted a quota policy for the number of minors accepted on board the aircraft and per flight. This technical constraint imposed by the airlines obliges the Intermediary to question the company; the response time is 24 hours per company and for each file. If the quota is reached, the Intermediary will inform the Buyer of this unavailability. In this case, Our responsibility could not be engaged.

7.4 Flights at special fares and charters
We also specify that the regulation of flights at special fares and charters does not authorize, even in the event of force majeure, the reimbursement of journeys not made, or that of the additional costs entailed by such a situation. The air carrier also reserves the right, in the event of force majeure, to transport customers by any mode of transport of its choice - with reasonable diligence - without any compensation being able to be claimed by the passengers concerned.

7.5 Direct Flights
The flight routings used in connection with our holidays may be used on special fares which do not necessarily take the most direct route. Some itineraries require a change of aircraft en route. A flight that is described as direct is one where there is no need to change aircraft during the journey. However stops may be made en route for re-fuelling or to let passengers on and/ or off. Details of any stops will be given on your itinerary wherever possible. However, should you require this information at an earlier stage, please check with your Travel Agent and/or our Sales staff at the time of booking,

7.6 Code Share Flights
It is a common practice for scheduled airlines to use a code share system, which may include you flying with a partner airline. Where this situation arises, it is not classed as a major change.

7.7 Customer Behavior
It is your responsibility not to engage in behavior that is inappropriate, prejudices or endangers third parties or that risks causing damage to property belonging to third parties (including, in particular, due to intoxication and / or an air rage) during your vacation or when using any of the service / product.
If your behavior is inappropriate and / or harms a third parties or risks causing damage to property belonging to third parties, we and / or our representative / Travel Provider (e.g. airline staff) may / may cancel your reservation; in this case, our responsibility and that of our Travel Supplier(s) will cease immediately and you will not be entitled to any reimbursement, any payment of compensation, nor to the reimbursement of costs incurred as a result of this termination. Furthermore, You will have to reimburse us for all the costs that we have incurred in connection with this termination.

7.8 Connecting Flights
If your ticket includes connecting flights, but you need to fly from (and/or return to) a different city, we suggest you to request those flights while booking, if the carrier allows it. If feasible, we will try to book all your flights together with a single carrier or a partner network on a single ticket. This ensures that your luggage will be transferred between flights for you, and more importantly, that if there are any schedule changes, flight cancellations, or delays that affect your trip, the airline(s) will adjust your flights to ensure you have sufficient time to make your connections and/or make alternate arrangements to get you to your destination. Besides offering the most peace of mind, this often yields lower fares than purchasing separate connecting flights.


8.1 Sightseeing | Excursions | Shore Excursions

8.1.1 Lost Vouchers
You must keep your Voucher safe. If you lose your voucher, please contact our local team and inforom them in advance to enable issuing a replacement, it is not possible to join any of the tours without a valid Voucher,  otherwise you will be charged the full Voucher price

8.1.2 Departure Points and Times
Geotours endeavours to provide departure points and times for the service which are as accurate as possible. However, Geotours reserves the right to vary such departure points and times without notice, as circumstances require.

8.1.3 Tour Route
Geotours reserves the right to deviate from the route of a service in the event of marches, parades or where reasonably prudent to do so in the light of circumstances beyond Geotours’s control. 
The order of the tour may change, but the integrity of the tour will be respected

8.1.4 Vehicules and Vehicule Safety
While Geotours endeavours to operate modern, air-conditioned vehicules , it reserves the right to operate from time to time alternative vehicules, especially in bad weather.

8.1.5 Pricing and Promotional Offers
Geotours may from time to time offer discounts or promotional offers, with or without a discount or promotional code. Discounts with codes are usually only valid for one transaction and, once the code is used, it will be deactivated and will no longer be valid. Geotours does not bear any responsibility or liability for discounts or promotional offers published on external websites and reserves the right to withdraw any discounts and promotional offers at any time without notice.

8.1.6 Booking Validity
The booking for any of our Sightseeing, Excursion, Tour is related to a specific date and time, missing it or leaving it during it works for any reason will be considered as “No Show” and the cancellation conditions applies

8.2 Animals
For health and safety reasons animals are not allowed in any product (Packages, excursion, trips or accommodation)


Despite all the pre-cautions and care taken for the smooth running of the product (trip, excursion, Package or accommodation), a misunderstanding or incident can still occur. If this is the case, our local representatives will try to find a solution. In the event that the customer does not obtain satisfaction, it is up to the customer to ask them for a detailed certificate mentioning any breaches of the obligations laid down. This certificate, accompanied by all original supporting documents must reach the organizer at the latest one month after the end of the product (service, trip, excursion, Package or accommodation). Any complaint without certificate or supporting documents and / or after the mentioned period cannot be taken into consideration.


For the execution of the programs, the organizer calls on various service providers such as carriers, hoteliers, travel agents, etc... Acting as an intermediary between the client, on the one hand, and the various service providers, on the other hand, the organizer cannot be held liable in the event of accidents, injuries, delays, damage, loss or theft. '' effects and baggage or for any irregularity that could arise through the fault or negligence of one of these providers who will retain, in any event, towards any participant, the responsibilities specific to their activity under the statutes which govern them, their national legislation or international conventions establishing, among other provisions, a limit of responsibilities. Likewise, the organizer cannot be held responsible for changes to timetables or routes, change of airport, train or bus station, removal of part of the program, closure of certain monuments or sites to the public. whose visit is scheduled in the program or the cancellation of a Start Date caused by external events such as strikes, technical incidents, air overloads, rail damage, bad weather, adverse weather conditions, requisitions, governmental decisions, political events, changing of water levels of a River or at the Sea, closing of locks, etc…

In the event that the Start Date is found to be delayed or the End Date brought forward or delayed due to one or more of the aforementioned circumstances, the customer may not claim any reimbursement or compensation for damage suffered. However, even in these cases, the organizer will endeavor to seek solutions capable of overcoming the difficulties that have arisen. If after the late arrival of a flight, the scheduled night could not be spent at the hotel partly or completely, the customer cannot claim any reimbursement for the non-use of the overnight stay, this delay attributable to the company air travel resulting in no refund by the hotel. The organizer may also have to substitute a means of transport for another or a hotel / boat for another, take a route different from that programmed or cancel certain excursions and visits, this when the circumstances force it. In no case will these modifications give rise to compensation.
The organizer cannot be held responsible and the client cannot claim any compensation in the event of a change in timetables or itineraries occurring even after the delivery of service vouchers. All the information included in the organizer's programs, prospectuses and other leaflets, as well as that communicated by its departments, is obtained from the best sources and given in good faith; they are provided for information only and cannot in any case engage the slightest responsibility of the organizer. The description of the itineraries, places to stay or on-site services is that known or planned when the ONLINE brochures or promotion is published. Any modification brought to the attention of the organizer will be reported to the customer before Start Date. However, no compensation can be envisaged for the non-enjoyment of a service which could not have been provided due to technical reasons or cases of force majeure. Following major modifications which would significantly reduce the interest or the pleasure of the trip, Package or accommodation, the customer has the possibility of maintaining it or canceling it without any cost, without this cancellation giving rise to a request for compensation for damage suffered.

11 ACCOMMODATION (Hotels | Motels | Ships | Camping)
11.1 Classification of Hotels, motels, cruise ships and camping
The classification of an establishments corresponds to the official standards of the host country. In the absence of an official classification, the criteria indicated are those of our correspondents or our own criteria.

11.2 Check-in / out
It is a general rule, whatever the time of arrival or departure, to have rooms or cabins (Check-in) only after 14:00. and to vacate them (Check-out) before 11:00 unless otherwise stated, arrival earlier or departing later are subject to an extra invoicing.

11.3 Rooms (Capacity and Types)
11.3.1 Single Rooms
- Single rooms have a single bed. Planned in limited numbers in hotels, they are often subject to a supplement. If a single person occupies a single room, will be asked to pay extra (a single supplement). Hotels generally price their rooms as doubles or family rooms and they do not reduce the rates if they are occupied by a single person. The costs to the hotel of providing the room remain the same, regardless of how many people occupy it. This also applies to self-catering units where, for example, three people may choose to occupy accommodation priced for four. Where available, hotel design may mean that single rooms are smaller and sometimes less well-appointed than other categories. While there is normally a supplement for these rooms, the overall cost will usually be less than when a single person occupies a double room. On safari, excursions and touring holidays, single rooms sometimes not guaranteed. Supplements paid will be refunded if a single room previously confirmed is not available. Please check to see if any special offers or single saver rates are available at your preferred hotel.

11.3.2 Twin Or Double Rooms
Double rooms are provided either with two beds or with one double bed (infrequent)
Accommodation in all hotels, regardless of the rating, will be in standard rooms (sometimes named superior/deluxe) based on twins or doubles unless otherwise stated.

11.3.3 Triple and Quad Rooms
Triple and quadruple rooms are often double rooms equipped with extra beds.
A third or fourth person sharing a room either shares existing beds or has an extra bed (which may be of camp-bed style) placed in a double/twin room. As conditions may be cramped, you may wish to consider booking two rooms.

11.3.4 Cabins on Cruises
-Standard  (called for interior cabins) are cabins that do not have a porthole or port allowing daylight to pass through.
- Cabins with portholes (or outside cabins called portholes) are cabins that let in the light of day.
The single cabins include a single bed. Planned in a limited number, they are subject to a supplement and are less well located than the double cabins.
-Double cabins are provided either with two beds, or with a low bed and a high bunk, or with a double bed (infrequent).
- Triple and quadruple cabins are often double cabins with extra beds On cruise ships,
In addition, the cabins generally offer a smaller space than in a hotel room, for an equivalent classification in terms of stars, the level of space and comfort of the cabins of river cruises in Egypt is generally lower than that of the local hotels. The guarantee cabins are allocated 7 days before departure by the cruise line. You therefore do not have the option of choosing the location, the layout or the cabin number, which cannot be changed.

11.3.5 Minimum Stays
Minimum stays are required at certain hotels for certain periods such as Christmas, New Year, Easter, Local Holidays, etc…, Where applicable these will be advised at time of booking.

11.3.6 Personal Belongs | Luggage
It is prohibited to carry dangerous objects and products on board such as controlled substances, firearms, explosives, oxygen, compressed air or flammable products, etc.
Shipping companies and Hotels reserve the right to deny boarding to a Travelers possessing such products.

Geo Tours cannot be held liable for items left on board after final disembarkation. It is up to the Traveler to check that he does not forget anything in his cabin

Geo Tours declines all responsibility for money, documents, jewelry and other valuables kept elsewhere than in the safes provided on cruise ships for this purpose.

11.3.7 Meals
When meals are included in the service, their number depends on the number of nights.
- The "All inclusive" formula includes meals, non-alcoholic drinks and the activities mentioned in the description of each Service. Often this formula also includes only locally produced alcoholic beverages.
- Full board begins with breakfast following the first night and ends with breakfast following the last night.
- Half board starts with breakfast following the first night and ends with breakfast following the last night: it includes one breakfast and one meal per day (often dinner). full board or half board, drinks are not included, except for exceptions duly mentioned in the description. Please note:

Depending on the country, providers do not always have running drinking water. You are responsible for the purchase of bottles of drinking water.

Geo invites parents of young children to take food suitable for their diet. A financial contribution may be requested, for example to heat dishes or bottles. It will be paid on site

11.3.8 Extras
All extra consumptions in the hotel, cruise, camping, etc… are subject to payment on the spot or at the end of the accommodation before the check-out, either by credit card or in cash according to the hotel.

11.4 Other Hotel Guests
Many hotels, especially in cities and major resorts, accommodate weddings, conventions and conferences. Also, some destinations may have an influx of groups such as students, associations or clubs. The hotels we feature are shared with guests from many countries with different cultures and customs. We have no control over the acceptance of bookings at the hotels that we feature. We are therefore unable to accept responsibility for any inconvenience caused by such groups or their activities.

Rental cars are generally subject to third-party “fire and theft insurance” and “CDW insurance” (damage to the rental vehicle following a collision, shock, etc.). We advise customers to take out “PAI” insurance (personal accident insurance) on site which covers the passengers of the rental vehicle as well as its driver. Guarantees do not work if:
- The accident was due to a violation of the road or highway code and local laws, or to driving while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
- The number of people transported exceeds the limit provided by the authorities for the rental vehicle.
- Vehicle rental companies are entitled to impose restrictions on use, in particular for access to tracks or non-motorized roads for ordinary vehicles. As a general rule, the driver must be at least 25 years old and have an international driving license and an international credit card.

We draw attention to the fact that in some countries, the economic and social situation may be temporarily modified due to particular events such as religious holidays, public holidays, festivals and other local customs. It is not possible to indicate in detail these events given their diversity.

14.1 Civil Festivals:
January 25 Revolution day
April 25 Liberation of Sinai
May 1 Labor Day
June 30 Re-Revolution day
July 23 Liberation Day
August 5 Suez Canal Re-Opening
October 6 Armed Forces Day

14.2 Religious Holidays:

January 1 New Year Day
January 7 Coptic Christmas
March 9   Mouloud Date changing every year
April Sham el-Nassim (Coptic Easter) Date changing every year
Bairam Festival (End of Ramadan) Date changing every year
Great Feast Islamic Holiday Date changing every year
Islamic New Year

You are responsible for the carriage and care of your luggage throughout your holiday except for such times as it may be in the hands of the airline; herein such circumstances the airline specific terms and conditions relating to the carriage of luggage apply, or when porterage at a hotel or on arrival and departure is included. Please ensure that your luggage is loaded on to all transport and be careful to take the correct luggage with you when you move from a point to another point.

You MUST take out adequate and suitable travel insurance in order to take part in a tour organised by us and this is a condition of your contract with us. You are wholly responsible for arranging your own insurance. We reserve the right to request a copy of your insurance policy and/or a receipt showing payment of the premium, although we will not check this policy for suitability, and it will remain your responsibility at all times to ensure that you’re adequately insured.

A suitable insurance policy should provide adequate cover for medical expenses arising through illness or accident prior to or during the holiday and loss of holiday monies through cancellation and curtailment of the holiday for insurable reasons. You must be satisfied that your insurance fully covers all your personal requirements including pre-existing medical conditions.

You should ensure that there are no exclusion clauses limiting protection for the type of activities you will be undertaking during your tour. You should also ensure that your insurance policy will cover you for any independent arrangements, excursions or other activities that you may book to take part in during your holiday and which do not form part of your booking or contract with us. You should satisfy yourself that any travel insurance arranged is what you require and should arrange supplementary insurance if needed.

We reserve the right to cancel the booking, without any liability for refunds, of any customer who cannot satisfy us that they have purchased suitable travel insurance in accordance with this clause. Furthermore, if you choose to travel with inadequate insurance cover, we will not be liable for any losses howsoever arising, in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.

 Your Insurance Cover should include
- Cancellation
- Repatriation and Medical expenses in the event of accident or illness
In addition, we strongly request that you have cover for
- Personal belongings
- Delay at your outward or homeward point of departure
- Personal liability
- Overseas legal expenses and cancellation

If you are undertaking any sports or adventurous activities, including trekking, on your trip you should also make sure that your insurance policy covers these.

Please ensure also you read the policy conditions and exclusions.
Please note, this is general information only. We are not providing any specific advice on travel insurance or recommending any particular policy or insurer.

Save up to 100 €URO per couple
Offer for selected Packages & Cruises for invoice’s higher than €URO 1200
Book your holiday between 1 April and 30 June (both dates included).
For Holidays starting between 1 October and 31 March,
This offer applies to new bookings only,
is subject to availability and selected dates.
This offer is not to be combined with any other Promotion or any Special Offer.
To qualify for the offer the deposit must be paid in full by latest 30 June.
Normal cancellation penalties apply.
We reserve the right to amend or withdraw this offer at any time without prior notice.

The writing of this site is the object of our greatest attention. However, it may happen that writing errors in text, dates, prices or photos have crept in. If this eventuality occurs, the prices and applicable dates will be given at the time of booking and confirmed on the order form / invoice.

18.1 Photos
Geo Tours strives to illustrate its offers with photos or illustrations trying to give a realistic overview of the services offered. However it is specified that the photos and illustrations appearing in the descriptions of the offers (Sightseeing, Cruises, Packages, Hotels, etc…) are not subject for any contracting and/or engagements issue.

18.2 Links to other Website(s)
The website may contain links to other websites which are not operated by us and sometimes appear for informational, reference and / or commercial purposes. We have no control over these websites and are not responsible for their content, we invite you to make your own comparisons and verification before any commercial engagement

18.3 Content of the Website(s)
The owner(s) of these website(s) is the only responsible of these websites, and the guarantees their content. These links appear only for information purposes, without evaluation of their content, their owner(s), the services or products they offer.

18.4 Required Conduct
We require that you agree to follow the following basic rules of conduct when using the Site(s):
1) You will follow these Terms & Conditions and all applicable laws;
2) You will provide only truthful and accurate information;
3) You will not harass, threaten or abuse other people when using the Sites in any manner;
4) You will not interfere with others' use of the Sites, including by interrupting other users' sessions, or otherwise act in a way that negatively affects other users' use of the Sites;
5) You will not post any content that is obscene or may be hateful or offensive on racial, ethnic, sexual or any other grounds; is harmful, vulgar or distasteful; or is defamatory, libelous, or invades another person's privacy or proprietary rights;
6) You will not collect or store personally identifiable information about any other individual on the Sites, or otherwise stalk, repeatedly contact or harass another user;
7) You will not impersonate any other person or misrepresent a relationship with any person or entity, including misrepresenting a relationship with us; similarly, you will not adopt a false identity if the purpose of doing so is to deceive or defraud another;
8) You will not post any content that contains any viruses, cancel bots, Trojan horses, harmful code, or other computer software or program designed to interrupt the Sites we provide, users' ability to enjoy the Sites, or the proper functioning of any software, hardware or equipment or materials used in connection with the Sites;
9) You will not use any information on the Sites for any commercial purposes, except as expressly authorized by Geotours;
10) You will not search, mine or link any data or information to or through the Sites without Geotours express consent and authorization;
11) You will not send any bulk unsolicited advertising, promotional information, email or other solicitation (including without limitation junk mail, "spam," chain letters or pyramid schemes of any sort) to any person through the use of the Sites.
If you violate any of the guidelines set forth above, or any other aspect of these Terms & Conditions, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your rights to use the Sites without giving you any notice.

In accordance with the provisions of the IT and personal liberty commission, the information collected is intended for the organizer from whom the customer has a right of access and rectifications.


In case of dispute, the Egyptian courts will have sole jurisdiction to resolve disputes.


GEO TOURS is covered and Licensed for professional civil liability in accordance with the provisions of Egyptian law.