


After independence in 1956, the city then became the locomotive of the country, and the symbol of a modern, dynamic and open Morocco. Casablanca today looks in many places like a huge construction site, the city is currently full of exuberance. It is a real crossroads and a national and international melting pot for people of all origins37.

The main division of the inhabitants of Casablanca is that of their socio-economic status. The more fortunate enjoyed luxury cars and homes, and private education. In contrast, in the poorest neighborhoods, any education is a privilege in itself38.

However, many plans and projects for the future development of the city are underway and even actively started. Among these projects, we find in particular those which aim to eradicate the slums, build an efficient transport network, and extend the motorway network38.

In March 1965, demonstrations by high school students protesting against a law limiting the age of access to high schools were violently repressed: hundreds of young people were killed in a few days