
Tipping is common practice in Bahrain and Middle East countries, but it is not required. Tip hotel staff at your discretion. In restaurants, a 10% service charge is often included, but you may choose to add to this by tipping waiters directly, especially if this is not included. Taxi drivers do not require tips, but you should round up to the nearest dirham on the fare. Tipping a couple of dirhams to bellmen, baghandlers, supermarket baggers, and windscreen washers at gas stations is generally accepted

Security and Safety

Bahrain a safe and stable country. Travellers are able to move around the country freely without extra concern for their safety

Yes! We recommend you purchase travel insurance to help protect you and your travel investment against the unexpected events


The check out and in rules vary according to the country you’re in and the policies of hotel you’re staying in. Mostly check-ins start after 12:00. Usually check-outs should be before 12:00 midday, Naturally is possible other arrangements can be arranged with the place of accommodation

Visits | History | Geography

The best time to visit Bahrain is outside the hot summer peaks, during the early autumn (September and October) and all winter until February. Temperatures are warm in Spring and hot in summer

The period from November to February tends to be pleasent, city attractions remain open and are pleasantly quiet. Summer brings steamy, hot weather

Visas and Arrival

Travellers visiting Bahrain sometimes visit other countries in the Middle East in the same trip. Geo Tours offers tourism services in many countries in the region such as Egypt, Jordan, Oman and Dubai, which you can research on our website

Transportation and Traveling Around

Dress Conservatively
Always drink bottled water, never tap
Don't Handle food with your left hand
Don't Kiss in public. Public displays of physical affection are usually looked down upon
Don't Drink in public. Make sure if you do that it is discreet, otherwise it is against the rules and pretty taboo
If you’re a man, don’t initiate a handshake with a woman. It is almost always going to be interpreted wrong
If you’re traveling during Ramadan, be aware of the rules of this religious festival
Definitely do not talk about your opinion on religion or interfere with the political situation in the respective country