
The check out and in rules vary according to the country you’re in and the policies of hotel you’re staying in.Malta. Mostly check-ins start either at 11:00 and 12:00 or 12:00 and 14:00 PM. Usually check-outs start at 11:00 or 12:00 Naturally is possible other arrangements can be arranged with the place of accommodation

Visits | History | Geography

Summer time is the best time to visit Malta, from mid-April till mid-October.

Currency and Banking

Banks Usually open from 0830 hrs to 1230 hrs from Monday to Friday, and up to 11:30 hrs on a Saturday. Foreign exchange facilities are available at the Airport on a 24-hour basis, all year round and facilities are also available at the banks. Available also are a number of Automated Teller Machines situated in the major commercial and tourist areas.

Security and Safety

Yes! We recommend you purchase travel insurance to help protect you and your travel investment against the unexpected events

Malta is a very safe and stable country. Travellers are able to move around the country freely without extra concern for their safety